My Stuff

Coin Toss

Toss a coin. Record your result here.


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DSHack Wiki

This is the wiki site set up to host public documentation for Mario Kart DS romhacking related content. It includes things such as custom tracks, characters, battle stages, as well as tutorials and programs.

Emblem Editor

An emblem editor for Mario Kart DS. Supports dithering, adaptive error diffusion, and balance adjustments. Does not yet support AR code generation (like the previous iteration did), but that will be coming soon.


I may post here, I may not. This is yet to be determined.

Bit Splitter

Simple utility for taking a number in hexadecimal and splitting it into its individual bit fields. Supports 32-bit values, and can split them into up to 32 fields that can be either signed or unsigned, and can have a fixed point shift applied to them.


Graphics optimizer and editor tailored for use on the Nintendo DS. It can perform both 2D and 3D graphics conversions, and aims to support a wide variety of file and compression formats.


Graphics converter tailored for use on the Nintendo DS. It is based off of NitroPaint's color reduction features (hence the name) but without the graphical interface. It only supports generating of graphics, rather than editing of them.

Mario Kart DS Tag

A gamemode replacement for Mario Kart DS that replaces Shine Runners with a game of Tag. Players tag each other by running into each other, and each time a player tags someone else they get a shine. Player shine counts are used to determine the likelihood that a player becomes It after elimination.

Runtime Code Modules

A loader for code patches that can be loaded and unloaded on the fly in Mario Kart DS. The code patches work in the same way that assembly hacks historically have, except that they patch game code at runtime, raher than at link time.


A program that converts 3D model files from OBJ format into a set of Minecraft region files. It allows using a materials file containing a list of blocks available for use and their average color, allowing for stylistic choices of blocks and flexibility with resource packs.

Bezier Art and Circle Art

Programs that will attempt to recreate an input image out of Bezier curves or circles. Starting from the image's arithmetic average color, the programs will layer on features at random, selecting the best feature one evolution at a time to attempt to achieve its best approximation of the image.


A program that performs mathematical operations on images. It makes it very easy to apply various color transformations to image pixels, and can take any number of images as input. Operations on these work in a stack-based structure.


A simple webapp aimed at finding an efficient code path to compute multiplications by immediate values in x86 assembly. It tries to avoid the use of the builtin multiply instructions, but falls back if necessary.